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Do you Want to Apply for a Green Card? Let Our Top Immigration Attorneys Help!

Want to Apply for a Green Card

Want to Apply for a Green Card? Let Cheves Briceno Immigration Attorneys Help! Have you decided after being in the USA for a period of time that you want to apply for a green card? Look no further than Cheves Briceno, the leading immigration lawyers in Georgia renowned for their expertise in green card cases. Whether […]

Can I Apply to Stay in the USA if I Have a Full-Time Job?

Apply to Stay in the USA

Can I Get Permission to Stay in the US if I Have a Full-Time Job? If you’re living in the United States without legal status but are employed full-time, you may be wondering if there’s a way to obtain permission to stay in the country legally. At Cheves Briceno, we get the question, “can I […]

What Are The Average Family Based Immigration Processing Times In The United States?

family immigration

What Are The Average Family Based Immigration Processing Times In The United States? Starting the immigration process for you and your family to the United States is an exciting time. Although the process is lengthy and detailed, the end result is something many people dream of their entire lives. Cheves Briceno is honored to be […]

What Family Members Can Citizens Sponsor For Immigration?

sponsor for immigration

What Family Members Can Citizens Sponsor For Immigration? As a United States citizen, one of your rights is the right to sponsor your family members if they want to move to the U.S. but are citizens of another country. Regardless of whether you are a natural-born citizen or a naturalized citizen, family immigration can be […]

Why Would U.S. Immigration Officials Have Denied My Visa Request?

Denied My Visa Request

Reasons Why U.S. Immigration Officials Might Deny Your Visa Request You saved up for years to immigrate to the United States, but your visa request was denied. You thought you had everything in order, so you’re stunned. What happened? There are several different reasons why you may receive a denial for a visa even though […]

How Do DUIs Affect Your “Good Moral Character” Designation for Immigration Purposes?

Good moral character

How Do DUIs Affect Your “Good Moral Character” Designation for Immigration Purposes? Whether applying to immigrate to the US or fighting a deportation order, showing your good moral character is crucial. In 2019, the U.S. Attorney General made a decision that affected how courts across the country defined good moral character. He declared that two […]

What Is An Extreme Hardship in Immigration?

What Is An Extreme Hardship in Immigration?

What Is An Extreme Hardship in Immigration? People who are facing a deportation because they don’t have proper documentation and are living in the United States. There are some individuals who don’t have a legal status here and have been in the country for a year or longer. They are considered inadmissible, which comes with […]

Dealing With Worries About Deportation

Dealing With Worries About Deportation

Dealing With Worries About Deportation If you are an immigrant in the United States, you may not have a visa, green card or valid permit which allow you to stay in the country for a long period of time. This can mean that you do not feel safe from being deported, and you may even […]

How Chain Migration Can Preserve Your Family Unity

Chain Migration

How Chain Migration Can Preserve Your Family Unity You left your native homeland to provide a better life for your family. It was hard to leave your wife and children and your own parents behind when you came to the United States. But you worked hard and found a job. You were able to find […]

Will Immigration Policies Change in 2021?

immigration policies

Will Immigration Policies Change in 2021? We’re closer to 2021 every day, and many people are asking what types of changes in immigration policies they may see in the new year. For immigrants and prospective immigrants, a lot of these questions center around immigration policies. Are they going to change in the near future? What […]